Saturday, December 1, 2018


3 Steps to make your dreams come true:

1. Get out of your own head.
We are all our own worst critics, right? We all have serious doubts that we can do "it". We can come up with a million excuses as to why we cannot do whatever it is we want to do. Talk to yourself more than you listen to yourself. Believe you can do it. 
2.Start- just start. Start small, do something every day that is going to get you closer to your goal, closer to making your dreams come true.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2....for the rest of your life.

I am not writing this because I am some know it all that has made all my dreams come true already. I am writing it for ME. I need to read these words just as much as ya'll do.

Step 1, Step 2....repeat.

Monday, November 12, 2018

How Do You Do It?

One day you just wake up and realize you are sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. Your clothes don't fit, your skin is looking about 30 years older than you are, you're feeling physically TIRED and emotionally EMPTY. What is it that you can do? It stops today. You have been hearing about this way of eating and to be honest it sounds nutso and completely ridiculous. But you do it.

You eat chicken, steak, vegetables and a crap ton of cheese. No more pizza nights, instead you eat lettuce wrapped tacos. No more burger runs, instead you eat steak and asparagus. It is so much easier that you imagined. And your clothes are starting to fit better. You are starting to glow. You keep going, You are not even TEMPTED by the Halloween candy. Treats brought into the center don't bother you at all. You are ON FIRE, unstoppable and you have never felt better.

Turns out you CAN do it. Turns out you are not destined to live a life of "I wish I was thinner" or "I wish I could fit into those pants".

All you have to do is start. All you have to do is believe in yourself. All you have to do is stop talking about it and start doing it. All you have to do is....IT. THAT'S HOW YOU DO IT.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

It's All Happening

It seems I am not keeping up with this blog as much as I want. Every time I sit down to write it seems like a whole life has passed.

I am not going to go into details over what has happened in the last year and a half, because a CRAP TON of stuff has happened.

My baby turned 1....and then she turned 2.  And since then she has grown into a wild, smart, precious little toddler whose favorite things to do is TALK, read books, collect stuffed animals and give them all kisses. She is an animal LOVER.  She has some other amazing qualities- but that would take up this entire blog post- and while she really is my favorite subject to talk about I have other things to say too.

I went back to school, started reading regularly, lost weight, and am gaining a new sense of self.

On September 19th 2017 I started a new way of eating. I stopped eating SUGAR and I stopped eating GRAINS....and guess what? It has worked! I found something that has worked for ME. I am down approx. 50 pounds and I feel great. I am not one of those people that is going to tell you that carbs are the devil, don't eat this or don't eat that. I just want to share what has worked for me. Maybe it will help you too?

#NSNG (no sugar, no grains) has helped me and my relationship with food. Do I still have cravings for sugary foods? Yep! Do I give in? Sometimes. I have learned to keep treats as treats. I regularly feed my body what it needs. I have become pretty passionate about this lifestyle and I am going to share lots and lots about it.

Here are some *BEFORE* photos. These were taken probably about a month before I started NSNG. At my highest weight, feeling pretty terrible about myself. Every picture that was taken of me, I cringed at. I hated buying new clothes but I hated trying to squeeze in my old ones even worse. I want to say I was happy though, my day to day life it was still pretty great. We ordered pizza at least once a week, take out Chinese food and frozen yogurt at least once a week and other high fat/high sugar/carb meals. We were just fine...until we weren't. One day we just decided to change the way we eat...meat and vegeatables (and cheese for me!). And poof. Everything changed. 

 Here are some *DURING* photos (because my journey is not over!). I feel so good in my body, I feel so good being an active parent to my little one. I feel so happy and confident that when we're ready for a brother or sister for Abigail I will have a healthy pregnancy because I am healthy. This is the way I eat now, and I am so happy about this. I have a few goals that I want to hit before my one year NSNG anniversary in September. Like I said, I will be diving deep into all of this in this blog, just not in this post. I just want to put it out there that it IS possible! You just have to make it, your goals and YOURSELF a priority.