Friday, August 23, 2013

The Ugly Side of Exercising

Here it is! A picture of ME. Right after a 45 minute session with Turbo Fire. It ain't pretty is it? Well, even though I FEEL great while taking this photo, I don't look that great. But you know what, I don't give a HOOT. You're supposed to look all sweaty after a good workout, man I felt good! I am starting a new project. Every day for 90 days I will be taking a picture of myself right after a workout. I want to take it just of my face, I want to see how my FACE changes. 


I just realized these pictures are almost exactly the same. Hey! Working out is not cute, OK?  That's why I Titled this "the UGLY side".

I am looking forward to posting my 90 days of faces and seeing how they change, who knows I might extend it to  6 months, maybe even a year!

Here is to the next 90 days! Happy picture taking!!!!

Friday, August 16, 2013


Hi There!

So I said that I will be making my announcement next time I post, and I am not a liar! So here I am making my announcement. I have decided to become a BeachBody Coach!
What really drew me to this opportunity was that everyone that I came across with that was involved with this company, was TRULY PASSIONATE about what they did. They LOVED THEIR JOB! I want that too. (I do LOVE my job now too, I play with a baby I adore all day long, and I play a vital role in the functionality of the family I work for but hey, the pay is not GREAT.) But what would make me happy in the long run? A second job? ANOTHER BOSS? Nobody needs another boss! I have to be honest here, this is not my first crack at direct sales, I have done the AVON thing, I even did the Partylite thing, but I wasn't PASSIONATE about the products I was selling. Sure it was fun, I even made a few extra bucks, but it wasn't giving me the satisfaction I was desiring.

With Beachbody, their main goal is to help other's reach their GOALS and live a HEALTHY AND FULFILLING LIFE! WOW! Who doesn't want that? I know I do! And it is really something I can stand behind!!!

Some of you that have read my previous posts know that my mother died at the young age of 50. Due to complications from Diabetes type II. A PREVENTABLE disease!! She was always overweight, always wanted to lose the weight, but she never did. I know that feeling, I have never been thin, I'm still not thin, but I'm getting there with the help of BEACHBODY. And I know I can help other's get there too. I want to help people who feel trapped, who are ready for a change, because I know I was ready. I was so tired of looking in the mirror and not seeing what I WANTED AND DESERVED TO SEE!  I will be forming my FIRST ever challenge group in the next two weeks. A challenge group is designed to help you DIG DEEP and get those goals met! CHANGE YOUR LIFE! I will be starting a new Beach Body program (well when it arrives anyway) it is TurboFire. But, any beachbody program will do! We can DO THIS TOGETHER! If you are interested, LEAVE A COMMENT with your email address....don't be SHY. We've got this!!!!


Thursday, August 15, 2013


This has been an EXCITING summer. There have been many adventures to speak of and I can say that I thoroughly enjoyed them ALL. All for varying reasons.

In my last post I WARNED everyone to stay tuned to my blog, because there will be changes. And there will be, but I am not ready to completely come out and talk about my new endeavor. I am making changes in my life, and I am working on not coming out with things until I am COMPLETELY ready. This is a relatively new trait of mine, (In the last year or so). But I am excited! I am BEYOND EXCITED for what these things are going to bring in my life.

I have spent time with my favorite people this summer, my main squeeze, my brother and his hubby,(thank you Supreme court!!) my cousin (that was almost 2 years in between visits!!) and my wonderful in-law(ish) family. This is the first time in almost a year and a half that I can look back in the last 2 months and say- "these were good times" WA-HOOOO!

Personal development is what is on the horizon. It has been happening already, down 30 pounds and feeling good. Been back on the wagon for a few weeks, (Folks, you fall off, and that is OK!!!!) and feeling great!

The next post I write, I will be talking about what I am doing, what changes I have decided to make to permanently change my LIFE!!