Truth is, if I spit it all out on this open page right now by the time you were all done reading I bet you wouldn't even understand the words. They would all jumble together like a big mess and you would be left questioning what I was even trying to say in the first place- I would probably feel better though. I always do after I do a big word dump. I guess that's what this is all about any way so I suppose I will keep going. Just be prepared, there is no REAL point to this post, and I can't REALLY say much because there is a lot that that's happening that is if I leave you wondering what the point was, I'm sorry, but don't say I didn't warn you.
When "they" say having a baby is life changing "they" weren't lying! NOTHING is the same anymore. NOTHING. The way you plan your days, your weeks, your months...your entire future. Your thinking changes. Your priorities change. And the thing is, it happens so natuarally and organically that you don't even realize it is happening and all of a sudden changes are being made....
...I want to talk about the amazing miracle that is my daughter. I never knew the amazingness that would be a baby. I knew I wanted to be a mommy, I knew I would love my cute little babe. I did NOT know however, that I would want to spend my days snuggled in bed just giving kisses, I didn't know that I would just want to keep my nose in the crink of her neck taking in that beautiful baby smell. I also didn't know the amount of sleep I would not be getting....and still being required to be nice to other human beings the following day at work. This last week alone I think I got 6 hours of sleep TOTAL. Yeah, it kind of (BIG TIME) sucked. She's teething, she's scratching (poor babe has eczema) and generally pretty cranky this week so she's not sleeping. The last two nights have been much better so we might be over that hump...WE'LL SEE....and we'll pray. Lots and lots of prayers. Bottom line...Abigail is the most precious little human that I have ever laid my eyes upon and at the end of the day if she wants to stay up all night and needs a buddy to do it with her...I will be that buddy!
Life has been pretty nuts these last few months- it has gone very VERY quickly and I am very excited for the future.
The baby is I go!
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