They say you can have anything in life, you will just have to sacrifice everything else to get it.
Do some people really "have it all?" A fit body, a thriving career, an awesome family life and a clean kitchen to boot? If you are one of those people....
and tell me how in the world you do it!?!?! I have come to realize that to fully go after something other things must be sacrificed. You want to be fit and healthy, maybe your social life might suffer because you can't go out with your friends as much. You want an amazing career? Maybe your relationship with your spouse might suffer because you are always working (or the brain is always on your work) You want something bad enough and you put your whole head and heart into it...other things are bound to suffer.....right?
I want to prove "them" wrong. I do want it all. And I don't want to have to give anything up. We were meant to have our cake and EAT IT TOO (because DUH....what good is cake if we can't eat it!?) I have been reading the good Book lately and it tells me to have God like dreams...I trust that He will lead me to where I need to be, and whatever trials, challenges, and speed bumps I run into on my way I will overcome. I know it. I feel it.
So, I guess this comes around again to having anything you want in this life, and I say, go for everything (not just ANYTHING) with your whole heart. Don't give anything up, and certainly don't give in.
Let's do it together.
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