Monday, May 18, 2015

Piece of cake anyone?

They say you can have anything in life, you will just have to sacrifice everything else to get it.

Do some people really "have it all?" A fit body, a thriving career, an awesome family life and a clean kitchen to boot? If you are one of those people....


and tell me how in the world you do it!?!?! I have come to realize that to fully go after something other things must be sacrificed. You want to be fit and healthy, maybe your social life might suffer because you can't go out with your friends as much. You want an amazing career? Maybe your relationship with your spouse might suffer because you are always working (or the brain is always on your work) You want something bad enough and you put your whole head and heart into it...other things are bound to suffer.....right?

I want to prove "them" wrong. I do want it all. And I don't want to have to give anything up.  We were meant to have our cake and EAT IT TOO (because DUH....what good is cake if we can't eat it!?)  I have been reading the good Book lately and it tells me to have God like dreams...I trust that He will lead me to where I need to be, and whatever trials, challenges, and speed bumps I run into on my way I will overcome. I know it. I feel it.

So, I guess this comes around again to having anything you want in this life, and I say, go for everything  (not just ANYTHING) with your whole heart. Don't give anything up, and certainly don't give in.

Let's do it together.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

A little of this, a little of that, a little of life.

Well, it's been a while hasn't it?

I can't say that it has been the same ol' same ol' over here because, well it hasn't! Since the last time I have entered into this little blog I have so much has changed!
For those that are in my inner most circle know that within the last years I have moved, got a promo, got engaged, and got married.
Here's proof that I am a married woman now:

We're cute, right???

The last year or so  I took a big bite outta life, and while I am not discouraging that AT ALL, I AM encouraging one to really think about how much they can really handle and be SUCCESSFUL at, all at once. The problem that I started running into was that while I was doing OKAY in all these areas of my life that I was trying to excel at, I wasn't excelling at all....I was getting by. I was burning myself out trying to get everything perfect while not even achieving GOOD. You don't realize that it's happening at first until something happens, something forces you to look at what you are really doing and what you are putting first in your life. It might not be pretty to look at. It is worth it, to take a real hard look at what is happening and why things seem OFF.

I had to go to the doctor because something was wrong, and I don't like the doctor. Not because they poke and prod you. But they can find something that could change your life forever, I have had doctors tell me things like that about 2 3/4 years ago when a very good doctor told us the mom we knew and loved wasn't going to make it. Doctors scare me. I also know from my experience that if you put something off it is not going to get better on it's own. You have to take steps, you have to be active in the improvement of whatever is off.  So I went to the doctor....

Don't worry, I am not about to tell you I have some disease or anything like that. I don't...I am basically fine. BUT it was a wake up call, I am not doing what I want to do. I don't mean I don't like my job or where I live but I am not doing HOW I want to do in those areas. I've taken on too much, I am trying to get things done too quickly. I became overwhelmed with all the good things in my life and my desire to add more good things right away made it all kind of blow up in my face. 

My husband is a genius, don't tell him I said that, he already has a big head. But he has always said to live your day DELIBERATELY, and I haven't been doing that. But it changes today (well, it actually changed on Friday after I came back from a really, really AMAZING 2 day conference I attended) and I have changed a few things, and taken a few things off my plate and put something BACK on that I have been letting slide for FAR TOO LONG which is my health. I am prioritizing, making plans and setting goals (something I haven't done since I have moved back to NorCal). It's crazy how far you let yourself go until something has to go wrong to even wake you up. It happens very quickly. 

It's not just bad things that can shake you up, it's all the good things too. So much has happened and so much more is about to change. It's a weird place you can find yourself in, realizing things that you were hoping and wishing for a year and a half ago, and now all of a sudden they are actually happening. Doesn't mean you can check out, you still need to show up and work at things that are important to you but  don't stress the other stuff, focus in on what really matters..... 

I am going to show up everyday for my family, my fitness, my career, and make it all successful. I will do it because I am meant to, but I have to understand it is not in my hands, it is in His and it will all come together like it is meant to. 

***Trust in the Lord, and Do Good***